Sunday, December 7, 2014


There is a girl that sits by a tree. She sits so close that it's hard to see her end and the trees beginning. The tree is large and beautiful, casting it's shade and protection over all this girl can see. The leaves are a constant shimmering golden orange. The roots go deep into the soil, attached to something so deep that her simple hands can't reach them. This tree keeps her safe. This is where she rests. Her only sanctuary. Then the winds come. Slowly and then all at once the leaves fall away and the harsh true reality hits her face. No longer shielded from the onslaught from the world. It now attacks her very being. 

This cycle isn't a new one. She has seen the leaves die and fly away before. The next moments make her shake. The darkness starts to edge towards her. It creeps along like the long cold fingers of the night. Teasing her with the vastness it holds and the wind whispering the names her heart carries that only she has known. The darkness covers everything her eyes can see. It covers as far as she can reach. Her precious tree no longer feels safe but she has nowhere else to go. This tree is the only place she can exist. For as long as this tree exist so will she but the tree isn't keeping her from the terror of the darkness. It's letting the terror come upon her. It's all that is left. Darkness. Unending it seems but she knows, she knows the shimmering golden orange leaves will return. 

She knows that sweetness of safety will come back. The tree can't leave her. It is always at her back holding her up but she is covered in darkness and the hope that the protection will come back can't save her from the fear. She is bound to her tree and her tree is bound to her. She will sit and wait. Digging her fingers into the bark and trying to grasp safety she can't have. As much as she shakes her tree never does. In the darkest of moments and loudest howling winds, her tree stands firm. The deep roots holding fast. She cannot force the change of moments. Her power and might cannot make the darkness fall back. Her hope and faith cannot make the beautiful orange leaves return.

So she waits and sits bound as deeply to this tree as this tree is to the ground. She is a girl hiding in the depths of this beautiful tree, covered in a terrifying darkness but always sitting at the foot of the tree.